Artists, Makers, Builders, Dreamers
We Make It Stand Out.
Abigail Knits
Returning as a vendor and teacher, you met Abigail last year at our Cast on Party and Shawl Class. Please welcome her again and be sure to check out her new cuffs, patterns, and gifts for makers. And visit our Class List to see what she’ll be teaching this year.
Arella Farm
She’s back! Returning with her own alpaca yarns, felted soaps, and more, Sandi was a new vendor last year, but she’s a pro this year. Come see what’s new, down on the farm.
Brickhouse Fiber Arts
This small, independent, women owned company located in Chelsea, Alabama is making their Oxford Fiber Debut! Their hexagon, aluminum knitting needles are designed to keep you knitting comfortably longer. Their knitting needles are handmade in Alabama but they will be in Oxford in January!
Cattails and Kudzu
You know her as Bailey Fletcher- but get ready to meet her as Cattails and Kudzu! Bailey is a long-time Maker and Teacher at the Oxford Fiber Festival. Returning with more inspiration and tools for stitching and embroidery, Bailey focuses on visible mending and patchwork.
Cesium Yarn
Once a Proised Fiber vendor- Cat of Cesium Yarn Co is now a regular at the Oxford Fiber Festival. Bringing her third year of amazing colorways and crowd-pleasing projects, Cat is back!
CWSG Co-op
We missed them last year, but don’t worry they are BACK! Always popular, and returning with more projects and finished items, CWSG Co-op will feature many different textiles and yarns in their booth. A great place to see many different makers at once.
Delta Fibre Arts
Delta Fibre Arts launched this year with a large selection of yarns at their East Memphis and Collierville, TN locations, paired with quilting fabrics, at The Sewing House (they also have a quilt shop in Tupelo)! Browse their yarn and fabric selection in Room 1 and welcome them to their first year at the festival!
DeSoto Arts Council
The baskets are back! Be sure to stop by and pick up a handmade basket to carry home all of your other goodies. Sales from this booth directly support the DeSoto Arts Council.
The Foldout Cat
Is it even the Oxford Fiber Festival without Q and her team? Featuring yarns, bats, and more, the Foldout Cat brings great color and personality to our festival and you! Be sure to check out both of the classes offered by Q. They are not to be missed!
Forbidden Fiber Co.
Yarn AND Cross Stitch? A booth AND a featured class with teacher Andi Bedsworth? Sign You Up! Leann brings beautiful literary-inspired projects and supplies- but not just for knitters. Make sure you tell your cross-stitch friends!
Holly Dyeworks
Last year she hosted our Best in Show, this year she returns with more of HER best! We are delighted to host Eve and her beautiful yarns at the 14th Oxford Fiber Festival.
Jems Luxe Fibers
A crowd favorite- Jems Luxe Fibers from Vicksburg, MS will be returning to the Oxford Fiber Festival. Their beautiful booth features small-batch dyed yarns and minis for everyone.
Mountain Meadow Farm
Soft as a Pygora goat, Mountain Meadow Fibers is back! Their beautiful fibers are perfect for spinning, feltings, or just petting. We spent a lot of time in their booth last year just touching the fleece, be sure to get there early so you can see what all the fuss is about!
Nancy Opalko
You may remember her from the Public Library, but Nancy Opalko is joining the Oxford Fiber Festival as a maker and a teacher! Her beautiful kudzu baskets are perfect for collecting your other items at the market, but if you need more be sure to check out her class on how to make your own.
Sparkle Studios
You know them, you love them, Sparkle Studios is BACK! Right when you walk in, you can’t miss the beautiful booth from Sparkle Studio. Not just yarns- they have two booths full of items for everyone. Remember those cute llama dolls with the super soft fur? They were from Sparkle!
Stitched at Sea
We found this new vendor in the middle of the sea! Literally. She’s an ocean scientist who makes on her breaks. Please welcome Rachel and be sure to check out her finished crocheted items.
String Theory Colorworks
We moved her around a little, but she’s there! String Theory Colorworks is part science, part math, tied to gether with a beautiful sock yarn. Her science themes and names blew us away so be sure to leave plenty of time to really explore.
Susan Rogers Quilts
New to us, but what an addition! Susan Rogers is bringing her quilts to the Oxford Fiber Festival. Artist, designer, and maker, Susan does it all. Please welcome her as a new vendor and be sure to ask her about being featured in two Mississippi museums and honored by the DAR.
Theodora’s Pearls
Theodora’s Pearls is home to not only great yarns but fun patterns and books as well. Jennifer knows her stuff and she’ll be talking about it in another lecture-style workshop. Always a hit with her deep, jewel colors, Theodora’s Pearls features exclusive, bespoke bamboo that is spun only for her and you just have to feel to believe.
Tinker's Hollow
You saw Anna’s work last year, but you may not have realized it. Well, she is back and bigger because she will be sharing a booth with Dyeing Wishes Yarn Co. Anna’s incredible stitch markers, buttons, and earrings are sure to stand out at the festival in January.
Two Dog Designs
She’s back! Emily Rennie is returning to the Oxford Fiber Festival with her fabric bowls, accessories, and quilted items. A former crowd favorite, learn more about her work at Meet the Maker from 2-3 on Saturday.
Yarn Adventure Truck
The Yarn Adventure Truck will be pulling back into the station! Be sure to check out the inside of the Yarn Adventure Truck for a full yarn shop’s worth of projects and supplies.